Support Radio Coverage Extension

We are kindly requesting for your donation(s) towards the extension of the coverage of our community radio station (Lotsha FM 90.1) from the current 70km to 140km radius. We wish to have a total coverage of the district to include listeners in the Shashe, Zezani and Tshikwalakwala areas.


How much would you like to donate?

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Please include country code on your phone number (e.g +263 78 310 6986)
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Your donation is greatly appreciated!

For cash donations contact Station Manager – P Moyo +263 78 310 6986, Station Chairman – M Muyambo +263 77 702 5098, +263 71 554 7391

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: $10