173 Cyclone victims get help
Muvhuso Chibi
A total of 173 villagers from Wards 5 (Tshapfutshe) and 15 (Lutumba) under Beitbridge district who were recently affected by the infamous tropical cyclone Freddy today received an assortment of basic commodities from the local Civil Protection Committee.
The group is part of the many others whose homesteads were left with varying structural damages in the aftermath of the torrential rains.
Acting committee chairperson, Mr Jahson Mugodzwa said they were getting help from various stakeholders including Save the Children. He said at least 24 homesteads had been affected by storms.
Mr Mugodzwa said the carefully selected beneficiaries received an assortment of Non Food Items (NFI).
He said more help was being mobilised and advised people to make use of the Disaster Rapid Response teams in their areas to better manage disasters.
Ḽotsha FM 90.1