Cholera vaccination to begin next week

Cholera vaccination to begin next week The Government has said it intends to start rolling-out of a Cholera vaccination campaign to prevent the spread of the diarrhoea disease that has affected over 20 000 people since its outbreak in February last year. Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Douglas Mombeshora announced the latest development…

Tshaswingo woman gives birth on the road

Tshaswingo woman gives birth on the road Staff Writer A woman from Tshaswingo was this morning helped to deliver a baby by the roadside while on her way for a medical check-up at the local hospital. Three women had to be assisted here after she experienced labour pains in the Tshithaudze suburb as soon as…

Ambulance yo swika

Ambulance yo swika Roluga Mbedzi Vhupo ha Gwanda Tshiṱaudze ho fhaṱutshedzwa nga nkhetheni kha Member of Parliament Vho Fisani Manala Moyo vhane vha khou ita maḓembe a vhonalaho Ho vha na guvhangano ḽihulu na dakalo ḽo kalulaho nga ḽa fumi – nthihi fhaḽa vhuponi ha Madzivhe musi Vho Fisani Manala vha tshi khou ṋetshedza tshitshavha…

Ramabindu Vho Fisani Moyo vho donetha ambulance

Ramabindu Vho Fisani Moyo vho donetha ambulance Talent Moyo Vho Fisani Moyo vhane vha vha ramabindu vho donetha ambulance ward 10, 11 na 12. Vho ri tsho itaho uri vha donethe ndi uri na vhone ndi mudzulapo wa enefho ngazwo ufha khavho zwi amba zwinzhi. Vho Moyo vho ri fhethuvhupo afho he vha fha hone…

Tshelede dzobva kha muvhuso dzo thusa ufhata kilinika ya Dumba.

Tshelede dzobva kha muvhuso dzo thusa ufhata kilinika ya Dumba. Muvhuso wofhedza ufhata kilinika ya Dumba, Hezwi zwokhunyeledziwa nga ushumisa masheleni obvaho kha Muvhuso vhatshi shumisana na Beitbridge Rural district council (BBRDC) na tshitshavha. Kilinika iyi yosedzeliwa Uri iddo thoma ushuma husikale. Hezwi zwodisa dakalo lihulu khavhadzulapo vha ward 2 hune vhathu vha edana madana…