Muvhuso wo imisa u themendeliwa ha milayo ya pre-shipment fhasi ha Consignment Based Conformity Assessment (CBCA) program

Milayo Miswa ine ya ḓo vhona thundu ntswa Dzine dza ḓo ṱoḓa pre-shipment inspections yo vha yo tea yo thoma nga Ḽavhuṱanu ḽo fhiraho.

Vha Muhasho wa Industry and Commerce vho ḓo sedzulusa tshiimo tsha hezwi nga murahu ha nyambedzano na vha Forwarding Agents Association of Zimbambwe.

Vha SFAAZ vha ri mulayo muswa a u ngo sedza sia ḽa thundu dzo no rengiwaho na thundu dzo no ḓivhaho nḓilani.

Muṅwaleli wa Industry Commerce Vho Dr Thomas Utete Ushe vho amba nga vhuimo kha maṅwalo e a ṅwalelwa vha Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) Commissioner general, Vho Regina Chinamasa.

Vha Muhasho vha khou tama u ḓivhadza nga tshifhinga tsha tshanduko tshi ḓo thoma u bva 21 Oct 2023 u swika 31 Nyendavhusiku 2023, hu sa athu u themendeliwa. Mulayo muswa uyo u ḓo thoma nga dzi ḽa u thoma ḽa ṅwedzi wa Phando 2024