Red Cross trains 20 local girls on primary health care

Red Cross trains 20 local girls on primary health care Talent Moyo The Zimbabwe Red Cross Society working with the Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) have trained 20 female students from especially difficukty circumstances on basic primary health care. The graduation of the redcross nurses known as nurse aides was held in Beitbridge on Friday. Zimbabwe…

Badilah, Travellers’ Band shine at Beitbridge Business Awards

Badilah, Travellers’ Band shine at Beitbridge Business Awards Muvhuso Chibi Renowned Beitbridge artist Badilah (Gift Ndlovu) put up a flawless show the just ended Beitbridge Expo and Awards held at the magnificent Zebra Hilltop Lodge on Saturday night. The energetic artist got the delegates on their fit while others nodded in approval throughout his performance.…

A night of honor

A night of honor Babongile Mudau-Gora The community of Beitbridge including corporate and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were treated to a night of honor at a colorful event held to honor the illustrious members of the community. These were being rewarded for decades of success and having been an example of excellence in 2022.…

Beitbridge school nurturing swimming talent

Beitbridge school nurturing swimming talent Sports Writer A local school, Oakleigh House has engaged Japanese swimming instructors with a view to narture talent and produce professionals in the related field Headmistress , Mrs Beauty Takaza said they are warming up to the idea of taking sport as a profession and hence bringing the services of…

Veteran Educationist Moyo dies

Veteran Educationist Moyo dies Staff Writer Veteran Educationist, Mr Sam Siyafa Moyo (80) has died His son, Mr Ayanda Moyo tolrd *Lotsha FM * that the former district education officer for Beitbridge suffered heart complications on Monday afternoon. He said the family was still in shock and that further information will be made available at…