Good turn out on cleaning campaign

Robert Gava

Beitbridge residence took heed of the National Day of clean up initiative as they came out in numbers to clean up the Dulivhadzimu bus terminus area

Within the ongoing campaign of cholera awareness in and around Beitbridge, the initiative was a good move to slow down the spread of the disease.

“I’m happy that the Beitbridge residents answered the call and came out in numbers to make sure that their area of work was up to standard, however I am calling for more numbers to come in on the next campaign” said town clerk Mr Loud Ramakgapola.
‘It’s healthy to keep your place neat and tidy as it decreases the chances of residence contracting diseases that are associated with untidy environments,” echoed Mr Raniel Ndou a local resident.

Representatives from different organisations including Telone, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Municipality of Beitbridge and Lotsha FM also joined in the clean up program. #LotshaFM90.1