Judgement Day for daddy accused of rape
Judgement in a matter in which a 53-year-old Beitbridge based cross-border transporter is accused of raping his biological daughter for three years has been set for Thursday , 8 February at the Beitbridge Regional Court.
The accused is alleged to have started raping the teenager from August 2020 from the age of 13 until she fell pregnant at the age of 16 years last year, wanted the case dismissed before trial.
Through his lawyer, Mr Muchineripi Nhire, the cross border transported is denying three charges of rape and has had his bid to stop the trial before Mr Innocent Bepura thrown away.
The magistrate set the judgement day after the defence indicated it had exhausted its witness list.
The man is accused of raping his daughter from the previous marriage and colluding with his new wife to illegally abort the pregnancy in December last year.
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